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The success of the air freight forwarding sector

Even before that, flying was an innovation. In the past, people couldn't imagine a time without travel. All they wanted was to fly. That's why airplanes were born. Eventually, technology made it possible for people to travel in an airplane close to the pilot. 

People became restless because they started thinking about some useful ways to use the plane.

Air Freight
Air Freight

In 1910, the idea arose that an airplane could be used to transport cargo. History shows that a piece of silk was the first to be transported on an airplane. The shipment was transported from Dayton to Columbus, Ohio. This was considered the first demonstration of air freight.

Another shipment took place in 1919. A converted bomber was shipped by American Railway Express. The cargo weighed 1,100 pounds and was transported from Washington, D.C. to Chicago. Unfortunately, the plane and radiator froze and they had to land in Ohio. However, this did not stop people from using the aircraft as a cargo carrier.

In the late 1920s, more and more airlines operated as freight carriers. The creation of the carrier was used only for American business. Air freight helped them not only speed up the transportation of goods, but also the process.

There is no denying that the primitive stages of the air cargo industry saw remarkable growth.

Between 1927 and 1931 the number and size of shipments increased from 45,000 pounds to almost a million pounds. Although some effort was made to plan and organize air freight operations, commercial air freight did not operate until the end of World War II.

The 4 main well-known airlines, namely: American, United, TWA and Eastern formed Air Cargo Inc.

Air Cargo operated until the end of the world. But in 1944, United and TWA began to become independent and had their own air freight company.

Many small aircraft owners wanted to be part of the air cargo industry but were not accepted. The major airlines did not like smaller airlines operating in this industry. One reason for this was the possibility that small airlines would undermine the stable status of the industry. Another reason was that the former did not want to participate in a competition.

Unfortunately, the small aircraft operators who tried crashed on the sidewalk. Only one survived – it's called “Flying Tigers”. The Flying Tigers were successful because they carried military and civilian cargo. And it was also previously known as the largest in the air freight transportation industry.

Despite the good start, the air freight sector did not develop that much. Business was not going well. Until someone in the name of Fred Smith opened his new air freight business known today as Federal Express.

The air freight industry today

Federal Express is known as one of the successful airlines today. With the help of modern technology, it started using air freight software to meet customer needs. Air freight software is the latest innovation for freight forwarders. It resolves any issues in the system and provides excellent and cost-effective services.

Today, FedEx or Federal Express is linked to (UPS) United Parcel. The two airlines are now known as the most reliable air delivery services in the country.

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